After a little bit of a delay I have finally started the journey to Redding, CA. After driving roughly 875 miles, I can say I'm really tired. I have never driven that long before. It has been an amazing trip so far. I have had little to no traffic. ( Thank you Jesus! ) Driven through 7 states and have crossed the mighty Mississippi rive. I would have never thought that I would have ever done that. As I look back at my short, but intense walk with Jesus. I'm amazed at the things He has changed in my heart and the places He has takes me. None of which I thought I would ever happen. It is amazing what kind of things happen when you just let go. I was a hard, angry, vengeful, worried, scared, not confident, sad, depressed, and longing for some thing not knowing what it was. I went though most of my life tiring to fill these things with working out, sports, friends, drinking, pornography, and sex. I did all these things none of them gave me the peace, joy, confidence, strength, mercy, grace, and most important love that my Jesus has. Many would say that I'm crazy for saying that some invisible person / thing has done all this for me. I would gladly and proudly stand up and shot, "Yes!, Yes! He has given all this to me and much more!" It is crazy the things you will do when you fall in love with someone. Jesus I can't thank you enough for all that you have done and will do. You are truly amazing and I love you so much. I thank you for all the awesome friends and family you have given me. They have touch my life in such an awe-inspiring way. Words would not do it justice.